- 四岁时,还在婴儿室的汉斯便发现自己处在一群惊恐万分的娃中自以为是地讲着鬼故事。
- At four , hans found himself pretending to read ghost stories in nursery class to a circle of terrified small friends .
- 自2004年底,已有16名以色列平民丧生,多人受伤,以境内一片恐慌,经济遭到巨大破坏。
- Since late 2004 , they had killed 16 israeli civilians and injured many more , terrified thousands of them , and disrupted the economy .
- 两年后,这就回答了那名妇女恐慌中提出的问题:“你拍这些有什么用?”
- And so two years later there is an answer to that woman 's terrified question : " what are you going to do with the video ? "