- 刻在桃花心木的爱。
- One love carved in acajou .
- 仅仅爱一个个体而排斥对其他的爱就不是爱,不把爱某个国家作为对人性热爱的组成部分就不是爱,而是盲目的崇拜。
- Just as love for one individual which excludes the love for others is not love , love for one 's country which is not part of one 's love for humanity is not love , but idolatrous worship .
- 一个专注于爱和调情特殊是写恋爱小说的人。
- One dedicated to love and lovemaking especially one who writes about love .
- 祖先们似乎很喜欢死后回归到鲨鱼体内。
- It seems that ancestors are particularly fond of returning as sharks .
- 我很喜欢模仿美国之音里面的标准美语.
- I 'm really fond of imitating standard american english from voa .
- 专家们喜欢说,一次巨型飓风就足够了。
- As the experts are fond of saying it only takes one .
- 事实是如此难以置信,早期阶段的恋爱激情只是由大量分泌的多巴胺促成的,实际上,恋爱并不是一种情感,从根本上来说只是一种被设计用来使我们持续追求更好的伴侣的动机状态。
- The fact that intense , early-stage romantic passion is associated with areas rich in dopamine suggested to us that romantic love is not , in fact , an emotion , but primarily a motivational state designed to make us pursue a preferred partner .
- 最为回报,我们得到了优先的付红利8%的股份和……
- In return , we get preferred shares that pay 8 % dividends and ......
- 阅读器还太贵,对于大部分人和没多少钱的年轻人而言,手机是更好的电子阅读器。
- For everybody else , such as infrequent readers and the young and cash-strapped , the mobile phone may become the preferred e-reader .