- 最终,它将有助于降低医疗成本,减少医生的工作量,提高患者的医疗水平。
- In the end , it will reduce costs , reduce physician workloads , and improve patient care .
- CareCloud的自动化进程能简化办公流程,削减间接管理费用,同时改善对病人的治疗。
- Carecloud 's automation streamlines office processes , reducing administrative overhead while improving patient care .
- 在佐贺县,所有救护车都用iPad快速定位病人需要转诊的地点。
- In saga prefecture , all the ambulances uses ipad to quickly locate where the patient has to be transferred .
- 它使得人们都惟恐避开受害者。
- It causes people to shrink away from the sufferer .
- 欧元区受害者之一的西班牙第二季度房价下跌步伐加快。
- The pace of decline in spain , a fellow euro-zone sufferer , quickened in the second quarter .
- 就像一名对每个新动作或新噪声都会畏缩的酒醉后遗症患者,造船业及其投资者心里明白问题是什么:他们仍在承受造船业空前繁荣过后的宿醉之苦。
- Like a hangover sufferer wincing with every movement or new noise , it is not as if the industry and its investors did not know what is hurting them : they are still suffering the aftermath of an almighty boom in shipbuilding .