- 第二,你需要学会如何为罪行以外的事悔改。还有
- Secondly , you need to learn how to repent for something besides sins .
- 我们内心深处都有那种清教徒式的信仰,如果不让它们感觉到一些有益的痛苦的话它们是不会真正悔改的。
- Deep down we all have a puritan belief that unless they suffer a good dose of pain , they will not truly repent .
- 希望上帝给我们足够的恩典可以悔改并且接受在主耶稣基督里的赦免。
- May the lord give us all the grace to repent and receive the forgiveness that god offers in jesus christ .
- 而这个景象绝非个人主义的悔改与忏悔。
- Yet the scene is not of individualistic repentance and confession .
- 但他却贬低那种为自己的过错而无休止地忏悔的想法。
- He has decried the idea of an unending cycle of repentance for past wrongs .
- 我必须做正确的事,自首,果断承认自己所做的错事并走出忏悔。
- I had to do what was right , turn myself in , own up to my wrong doings and walk out my repentance .
- 在新年这一天,国王在一项仪式上为其过失忏悔,并接受公开羞辱。
- At the new year , the king was publicly humiliated in a ritual of penitence for his wrongdoings .
- 他很坦然地对自己缺乏阅读技能表示后悔。
- He was openly repentant about his lack of reading skills .
- 悔改的激进分子在其开始恢复正常生活期间人均每月获得现金和食物补贴393美元。
- Repentant militants each got $ 393 a month in cash plus food allowances during rehabilitation .
- 穆罕默德亲王本人曾历经一场政治暗杀而侥幸存活,当时基地组织设计他与一位貌似悔改的特工见面,特工的直肠里藏了一枚自杀炸弹。
- The prince himself narrowly survived a particularly messy assassination attempt , when al-qaeda tricked him into meeting a supposedly repentant operative who had concealed a suicide-bomb in his rectum .