- 最有说服力地向我展现了在早婚风气里既独立又恭敬地成长所需的那种痛苦的平衡的是17岁女孩萨布哈-乔杜里。
- The one person who explained most eloquently to me the excruciating balance required to grow up both independent and respectful within a culture of early marriage was a 17-year-old rajasthan girl named shobha choudhary .
- bluewater的总裁darrengdavis说,梅尔的故事将由一个吸血鬼来讲述,口吻将“十分有趣、恭敬并且独特”。
- Meyer 's story , meanwhile , will be narrated by a vampire " in a very fun , respectful and unique way " , according to bluewater president darren g davis .
- 一个给穷人分配钱、衣服和食物的组织理事告诉罗伊女士,除了合适的衣服和“恭敬的行为”(公认是一个含糊的术语),他并不在乎他服务的人的宗教虔诚度。
- One director of an organisation that distributes money , clothing and food to the poor tells ms roy that beyond appropriate dress and " respectful behaviour " ( admittedly a worryingly vague term ) , he was not concerned with the religious purity of those he served .