- 从巴瓜冲突到被迫离任期间,西蒙先生在数星期里跑遍了秘鲁去处理一桩接一桩的麻烦:根据特派员的数据,截至7月底共有273件左右。
- Mr simon spent the weeks between the bagua clash and his fall from grace travelling around peru to deal with one disturbance after another : some 273 at the end of june , according to the human-rights ombudsman .
- 最终,你们将带着一个清白的历史离开现在的地球,当然次要的业力债务将凭着恩典之律被放弃。
- In the end you will leave the present earth with a clean slate , and certainly minor karmic debts will be foregone through the law of grace .