- 为什么梦会如此怪异和陌生?
- Why are dreams so strange and unfamiliar ?
- 这个陌生的母亲是如此的淡漠!
- The indifference of this strange mother !
- 陌生的世界对它完全地开放。
- Strange worlds were now open to it .
- 然而庞大的公共关系行业这是美国的创造,是一个可怕的产业在第一次世界大战中形成了。
- But this huge public relations industry , which is a u. s.invention and a monstrous industry , came out of the first world war .
- 例如在文化评论家芭芭拉克里德(barbaracreed)看来,她更倾向于斯科特在电影中表现的主题是“可怕的女性”。
- In the opinion of the cultural critic barbara creed , for instance , scott 's film epitomised what she refers to as " the monstrous feminine " .
- 事实上,当你想到在这无法想象的巨大的麻烦面前就就快要从它面前消失,或者想到我将不会在你余下的岁月里继续存在的时候,你会感到慰藉的。
- Indeed , you can always take solace in the fact that the monstrous , unimaginable piece of shit that is me will stop existing fairly soon , and that I will continue to not exist for the remainder of your lifetime .
- 为什么会如此不寻常呢?
- Why is this so unusual ?
- 但是为何这些异常的谋杀犯会存在于世呢?
- But why do these unusual murderers exist ?
- 紫金矿业的道歉声明很不寻常。
- Zijin 's apologetic statements were unusual .