- 这个腐朽的文件理应被迅速地重新改写。
- This rotten document should be rewritten quickly .
- 以前从未有这么多的人如此迅速地富裕起来。
- Never before have so many people grown rich so quickly .
- 改变不会来得太快。
- Change will not come quickly .
- 但总统正面临着在阿富汗撤军太快的风险。
- But the president risks running down american forces in afghanistan too fast .
- 市政府官员说他们在以最快的速度行动。
- City officials say they are moving as fast as they can .
- 还有一个例子与大脑另外一个发育过快的部分有关。
- Another example relates to the other part of the brain that grows too fast .
- 蚂蚁和蚱蜢是快乐的。
- Ants and grasshoppers are happy .
- 整理过的磁盘是快乐的磁盘。
- A defragged drive is a happy drive .
- 这不是一件令人愉快的事。
- This was not a happy story .