- 尔时释迦牟尼佛、告文殊师利法王子菩萨摩诃萨:汝观是一切诸佛菩萨及天龙鬼神,此世界、他世界,此国土、他国土,如是今来集会到忉利天者,汝知数不?
- At that time , shakyamuni buddha said to the dharma prince , bodhisattva , mahasattva , manjushri , " as you regard these buddhas , bodhisattvas , gods , dragons , ghosts and spirits from this land and other lands who are now gathered in the trayastrimsha heaven , do you know their number ? "
- 在我们大胆提出建立不同类型完全激励策略的讨论时,请允许我根据真实的经验提出公司将面对的情况,即如果商业目标和奖励策略没有正确、紧密的结合时会出现的情况,以及它对组织思想进程的影响。
- Before we venture into discussing the different types of tr that can be created , allow me to put forth business scenarios from real time experience , which reiterate what happens if the business objective and the reward strategy is not married correctly and it 's impact on the organizational thought process .
- 2员工第一:承认员工是保持公司竞争优势的重要来源,并且是完全激励策略的价值基础。
- Employee first : recognizing that employees are the key source of sustainable competitive advantage and basing the tr on what they value
- 正像我们之前宣布过的那样,《技术评论》会在秋季出版原创科幻小说集tr:sf。
- As we announced earlier , technology review will publish tr : sf , a collection of original science fiction stories , in the fall .