- 脸色阴沉的男人是我的英雄,他如果只等我五分钟就来不及了,游戏就结束了。
- Surly is my hero . Had he waited just five minutes to call for me , it would have been too late , game over .
- 这些聊天记录泄露后,lulzsec在twitter上的发言人威胁m_nerva说:“记住这条留言,m_nerva,我知道你会读到它:我们无休止的笑声将会在你冰凉的牢房永远阴魂不散。游戏结束了,孩子!”
- After the logs were leaked , the person controlling the lulzsec twitter account threatened m_nerva saying " remember this tweet , m_nerva , for I know you 'll read it : your cold jail cell will be haunted with our endless laughter . Game over , child . "
- iphone的地位并不是牢不可破的,turner争辩道,“我们回到这场游戏中来了”他说,“并且游戏还远没结束。”
- The iphone 's position isn 't unassailable , turner argued . " We 're back in the game , " he said . " And this game is not over . "