- 只是如果投资者期望复苏强劲,为什么还要接受这样微薄的收益呢?
- But why would investors accept meagre yields if they expected a vigorous recovery ?
- 在周中,大雨已经使得在三角洲地区少得可怜的援助停止了。
- By midweek , heavy rains were hampering the meagre aid operations in the delta .
- 三分之一以上的企业得分为零;平均得分率只有可怜的4%。
- More than a third of firms scored zero ; the average was a meagre 4 % .
- 孤鹤疏梅老。
- Solitary crane scanty mei old .
- 细心男子勉强被罕见的包裹吓了一下.
- The detailed man is barely scared by the scanty parcel .
- 如此微弱的优势意味着工党将在下一届议会中成为多数党。
- Such a scanty margin could mean labour emerging as the biggest party in the next parliament .