- 推抚法:患者取坐位或侧卧位,充分暴露胸部。
- Push fondle law : patients take sitting or side-lying position , fully exposed bosom .
- 数周后,我在我们律师事务所工作。当我走进奥利弗泰勃的办公室时,那个年轻姑娘就坐在他的桌子前面!
- Some weeks later I was at my law office , and when I went in to see oliver tambo the same young woman was sitting in front of his desk !
- 补救法:午餐前半小时吃些水果开胃,饭后喝点酸奶促进消化,对吃完午餐就坐在电脑前不再活动,容易消化不良或脂肪积累的上班族来说,非常有益。
- Remedy law : half an hour before lunch , eat fruit and appetizers , yogurt drink after a meal to promote digestion , right after lunch on the activities of sitting in front of a computer is no longer easy to indigestion or fat accumulation office workers , very helpful .