- 接下来我该往哪儿走?
- Where shall I go next ?
- 所以他们让他走了。
- So they let him go .
- 也许我们应当走抽象路线。
- Maybe we should go abstract .
- 当前的危机会平稳过去的。
- This immediate crisis may well pass .
- 不是所有的国家都能通过。
- Not all countries will pass .
- 这一年龄段与专家们建议开始把财产传给下一代的时间大致相同。
- These ages roughly coincide with the time when experts advocate beginning to pass money to succeeding generations .
- 但我从哪里着手呢?
- But where do I begin ?
- 这样的工作方式才能帮助美国领导人更加自信地着手进行战略转变。
- This approach can help leadership more confidently begin its strategy shift .
- 针对特定的问题,我们可以开始着手合适的解决方案。
- Focus on the specific problem and we can begin on a proper solution .
- 你不会死更不会怎样。
- You won 't die or anything .
- 我曾见过别人死去。
- I have seen people die .
- 本.拉登还想像殉道者那样死去。
- Bin laden wanted to die as a martyr .