- 不过大趋势十分清晰。
- But the trend is clear .
- 答案现在变得越来越清晰。
- The answers are becoming clear .
- 你会注意到你开始以一种非常清晰的思路在思考。
- You will notice that you start thinking in a very clear manner .
- 正确选择是显而易见的。
- The right choices are evident .
- 类似的极端情况在其它地区也显而易见。
- Similar extremes are evident elsewhere .
- 这在叙利亚问题上尤其明显。
- This is most evident in syria .
- 但是他们支持示威者的却在整个首都表现得很明显。
- But their displays of support for the protesters were conspicuous throughout the capital .
- 然而,与工作有关的人格特质的研究迄今为止明显的还是空白。
- However , studies of work-related traits have hitherto been conspicuous by their absence .
- 只有当公共行政简化到一定程度即要么将受贿变得没有必要要么使其十分明显,打击腐败才能成功。
- Corruption crackdowns work only if the public administration is simplified to the point where bribe-taking becomes either unnecessary or highly conspicuous .
- 但是也是在本周,乔治,布什总统介人此事,称赞其兄为保持舒阿佛夫人生命所做出的努力。
- But this week , too , president george bush stepped in to commend his brother 's efforts to keep mrs schiavo alive .
- 不过抛去这些不说,价格调控“应该得到很少的赞扬”。
- But beyond that , price controls have " little to commend them . "
- 科伦威尔喜欢并非常敬佩他的竞争对手凯瑟琳,之后他还赞扬了安妮为自己辩护时的智慧和不屈精神。
- Later cromwell , who liked worthy opponents and had respected katherine , would commend the intelligence and spirit with which anne defended herself .