- 有的建筑物屋顶是呈阶梯状的平顶,每个屋角上都是一个白色的水泥三角形,与用来装饰传统羌族建筑的白色石头相映衬。
- Other buildings are topped with flat roof terraces , a white concrete triangle in each corner , echoing the white stones that adorn traditional qiang architecture .
- 第三章,此部分对羌族祭祀仪式表现的美学形态进行分析,可分为朴素美、崇高美、神秘美三种美学形态。
- Chapter three focuses on expounding the three aesthetical formations , namely beauty of simplicity , beauty of loftiness and beauty of mystery which are presented in the sacrificial ceremony of qiang nationality .
- 本文在归纳北川羌族的饮食文化内容的基础上,指出其饮食文化具有就地取材,方便快捷;干腊为主,风味独特;原始古朴,祭祀性强;喜饮咂酒的特点。
- In view of summing up the qiang food culture , the article addresses the features of the qiang food culture , which are local material , fast and convenient ; lording , a unique flavour ; original simple , the sexual strong and drinking wine .