
Johannes 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Johannes gutenberg transformed his knowledge of wine presses into a printing machine capable of mass-producing words .
- 约翰内斯古登堡(johannesgutenberg)以自己掌握的葡萄压榨机知识为基础,发明了能够大量印制文字的印刷机。
- A police officer detains a boy , who must show his pass , in central johannes - burg .
- 在约翰内斯-伯格市中心,一名警察拦住了一个男孩,要求必须出示他的通行证。
- For example , dutchman johannes vermeer painted a self-portrait called the art of painting .
- 比如荷兰画家约翰内斯维米尔(johannesvermeer)有一幅名为《绘画艺术》的自画像。
- Johannes von trapp , the youngest of the children , said agathe was a private person who also was a talented sketch artist .
- 约翰内斯冯特拉普,对孩子中最小的,说是一个私人阿加特乌维人谁也素描是一位天才艺术家。
- By combining scientific arguments and diplomacy , johannes geiss even succeeded in convincing nasa to deploy the swiss solar sail before unfurling the us flag , in order to maximise the foil 's exposure time .
- 通过科学论证和外交努力johannesgeiss最终甚至说服了美国国家宇航局在打开美国国旗之前部署这个瑞士太阳帆,以使铝箔板曝光时间达到最长。
- Johannes knew where it was .
- 佐汉斯知道在哪里。
- The flag-like solar wind composition experiment was the first experiment set up by the apollo 11 astronauts on the lunar surface , and its principal investigator was johannes geiss , the world-leading swiss physicist .
- 这个旗帜形状的太阳风组成实验是阿波罗11号的宇航员在月球表面设置的第一个实验,他的首席调查员是johannesgeiss世界领先的瑞士物理学家。
- I don 't understand why johannes didn 't leave a message .
- 我不了解为什么佐汉斯不留下口信。
- Lullaby ( sung in mongolian ) music by johannes brahms .
- 摇篮曲(蒙语演唱)(德)勃拉姆斯。
- But as faithful johannes spoke the last word , he fell down lifeless and turned to stone .
- 但就在忠实的约翰说完最后一句话之后,他倒下去变成了一块没有生命的石头。