- 尽管配对交易易于实施且通常比持有或卖空单支股票更安全,但它仍可能会造成完全事与愿违的结果。
- Though a paired trade is simple to construct and generally safer than owning or shorting a single stock , it can still backfire drastically .
- 西安大略大学的尼古拉斯.库伊博发现,有时这种幽默也会使别人觉得不安而产生事与愿违的效果。
- It also can backfire by making other people feel uncomfortable , finds nicholas kuiper of the university of western ontario .
- 长期以来,一些专家怀疑利用税收体制鼓励创业者以及对成长企业投资的做法,有可能事与愿违。
- Some experts have long suspected that using the tax system to encourage entrepreneurs and investment in growing business has a tendency to backfire .