- 卢先生曾被认为是与众不同的一个。
- Mr roh was thought to be different .
- 但失忆的可能是另外一回事。
- Amnesiacs are a different matter .
- 但现实则完全是另外一幅模样。
- The truth is very different .
- 为什么会如此不寻常呢?
- Why is this so unusual ?
- 但是为何这些异常的谋杀犯会存在于世呢?
- But why do these unusual murderers exist ?
- 紫金矿业的道歉声明很不寻常。
- Zijin 's apologetic statements were unusual .
- 为什么梦会如此怪异和陌生?
- Why are dreams so strange and unfamiliar ?
- 这个陌生的母亲是如此的淡漠!
- The indifference of this strange mother !
- 陌生的世界对它完全地开放。
- Strange worlds were now open to it .
- 另一个因素是政治。
- But another factor is politics .
- 结果就是又一次繁荣。
- The result is another boom .
- 又一个错觉完蛋了。
- Another illusion bites the dust .
- 当在windows平台确实没有免费的iso文件编辑软件时,这个选择看起来是最实用的了。
- This option seems to be the most viable as there are virtually no free iso editors for the microsoft windows platform .
- 英文版的维基百科以cd光盘(或一个iso镜像文件)的形式出版,包含了大约2000页的内容。
- The english version with a collection of about 2000 pages can be had in the form of a cd ( an iso file ) .
- 项目发起和两个国际标准化组织27001顾问颁发。
- Project launched and two iso 27001 consultancies awarded .
- 浏览互联网好倒是好,但却相当孤单。
- Browsing the web is allo very well , but it 's a rather solitary experience .
- 通常,语速慢而音量大的练习有助于形成清晰准确的发音。
- Generally , speak sloer and louder ill allo you to pronounce the english ords clearer and more accurately .
- 请许可我再次暗示抱歉的意思。
- Please allo me to say sorry again .