- 三十秒之后,在国会大厦东侧一个安静的出口处,那个穿着蓝色上衣,体格健壮的金发男人步入了夜间潮湿的空气中。
- Thirty seconds later , at a quiet exit on the east side of the capitol , the powerfully built blond man in the blue blazer stepped into the damp night air .
- 讽刺的是这是我自己挑选的“安静”地方没有窗,有很厚的墙,舒服的床但问题是整夜有客人进入到旅店里来。
- The irony lies in me choosing what I thought was a quiet place - no windows , thick walls , comfy bed - it still wasn 't enough . Guests , and guests of guests , entered the hotel throughout the night .
- 有时,我很想找一个宁静的深夜,把许多心底的惆怅、寂寞、孤独向你倾诉。
- Sometimes , I 'd like to find a quiet night , many of the heart bottom disconsolate , lonely and tell you .