- 如果你拥有能够使自己依旧感兴趣的广泛而又敏锐的爱好与活动,你将根本没有理由来考虑这个仅仅只是统计你已经生活过的年数的数字,更别说你那有可能的短暂的未来。
- If you have wide and keen interests and activities in which you can still be effective , you will have no reason to think about the merely statistical fact of the number of years you have already lived , still less of the probable brevity of your future .
- 兴登堡1937年那场惊人的的爆炸,意味着一个时代的结束,但那之前德国飞艇数年在大西洋气流飞越完全无事故。
- The spectacular explosion of the hindenburg in 1937 spelled the end of an era , but up until then german airships had flown the atlantic currents accident-free for a number of years .
- 慕尼黑工业大学(tum)的研究人员已经对啤酒化学的细节进行了多年的研究。
- Researchers at the technical university of munich ( tum ) have been looking into the particulars of beer chemistry for a number of years .