- 因为现代民主再次证实了帝王们的共识:怪诞的娱乐能使民众安于平静。
- For modern democracy has rediscovered what the emperors knew : grotesque entertainments guarantee the quiescence of the populace .
- 他的经学教育的实质是政治教育,其目的是通过灌输儒家的理想政治模式理论及其核心价值体系,养成合格君主,培育政治精英,教化平民百姓。
- His education of the classics was in fact a political education , whose goal was to create qualified rulers , train political elites , and sermonize the populace , by imparting the ideal political model theory of confucianism and its kernel value system of confucianism .
- 如同传染性本身一样-被数十年的大众疫苗接种的努力所击退-非理性的幽灵就在外表之下,等待着我们放下盾牌。
- Much like infectious diseases themselves - beaten back by decades of effort to vaccinate the populace - the irrational lingers just below the surface , waiting for us to let down our guard .