- 球队称汉密尔顿腹股沟受伤,使他成为首发阵容中迟来的伤痕,但是这不重要罗尼布鲁尔获得首发,并帮助汉密尔顿拿到17分,5个助攻和7个篮板。
- Rip hamilton was a late scratch from the starting lineup due to what the team described as a groin injury but it didn 't matter . Ronnie brewer got the start and put up hamilton-like production to the tune of 17 points 5 assists and 7 rebounds .
- 因此,有时为了设计引人入胜的网站,你应当彻底从头开始,敢于挑战与众不同的布局。
- That 's why sometimes , to design attractive websites , you should start completely from scratch and dare unusual layouts .
- 首先,如果你犯了错并且马上损害到你的名声,你就不得不在别的什么地方从头开始。
- First of all if you slip up and damage your reputation at one you 'll have to start from scratch somewhere else .