- 用玉米干燥塔干燥作业非常困难。
- Drying with corn driers is very difficult .
- 大多数日本家庭安装了这种奇妙的装置,其中有许多还增加了水按摩、烘干机和自洁系统等特色。
- Most japanese homes are fitted with such contraptions , many of which have added features including water massage , driers and self-cleaning systems .
- 不假思索地,我们设想出喋喋不休的爱尔兰人、拮据的苏格兰人、吝啬的犹太人、不苟言笑的瑞典人、高大富有的德州人、易怒的拉美人、枯燥的银行职员、强悍的卡车司机、沉默寡言的警察、或者笨手笨脚的女司机。
- Without considering for a moment , we visualize talkative irishmen , thrifty scotsmen , penurious jews , stolid swedes , tall and wealthy texans , excitable latins , stuffy bank executives , tough truck driers , dumb cops , and clumsy women drivers .