- 忆十数载国外流光,阴晴圆缺,悲欢离合,百感交集。
- A dozen years foreign streamer , wax and wane , grief at separation and joy in union , have mixed feelings .
- 横批是我的年夜学我的梦。
- Streamer is my nianye my dream school .
- 最后努力将使用室内感到披肩、使用或若虫六号飘带.
- Last-ditch effort would be to use a 3x tippet and use a no. 6 nymph or streamer .
- 左面的积雨云则表示了一个不太明显幡状云的轴线,然而这里的雨水,并非自始至终都能使幡状云降落到地面。
- The cumulus cloud to the left shows a less remarkable virga shaft , but here the rain doesn 't make it all the way to the ground .