- 问题是,我们如何继续使用互联网,同时在我们的网络玻璃房四周保留一些隐私的窗帘?
- The question is , how do we keep using the internet while maintaining some curtain of privacy around our cyber glass house ?
- 你躲在幕帘后面,等着被发现。
- You 're hiding behind a curtain , waiting to be found .
- 测试已表明,此帘能杀死一些飞入其中的蚊子。
- Tests have shown that the curtain kills some mosquitoes that fly into it .
- 看看锁屏界面就知道了。
- Your lock screen can tell you .
- windows8在触摸屏上运行效果最好。
- Windows 8 works best with a touch screen .
- 它们只是屏幕上的像素而已。
- They are pixels on a screen .
- 这里的华盖是成熟的印度橡胶树、刺槐树和红木树的混合物。
- The canopy here is a mixture of mature indian rubber trees , acacia trees and mahogany trees .
- 印度象轿可以是一个简单的座椅和华盖,也可以是一个镀金并镶有宝石、还带有窗子的豪华车厢。
- Howdahs can range from a simple seat and canopy to an opulent , gilt and jewel-encrusted carriage , complete with windows .
- 更重要的是,政府在三月确定了一个确凿的方案(也是由福斯特提出,这次没有提华盖的事情)和具体的完工日期。
- Most important , the government decided in march on a concrete plan - another one by mr. foster , minus the canopy - and a deadline .