- 问题是,我们如何继续使用互联网,同时在我们的网络玻璃房四周保留一些隐私的窗帘?
- The question is , how do we keep using the internet while maintaining some curtain of privacy around our cyber glass house ?
- 你躲在幕帘后面,等着被发现。
- You 're hiding behind a curtain , waiting to be found .
- 测试已表明,此帘能杀死一些飞入其中的蚊子。
- Tests have shown that the curtain kills some mosquitoes that fly into it .
- 不过,这些包不过就是透明塑料材质,实际上就是非常昂贵的浴帘而已。
- But they were nothing more than clear plastic , essentially very expensive shower curtains .
- 他睡着时蜡烛点着了被帘。
- He fell asleep with a candle lit and the curtains got on fire .
- 但是增加塑料弹性的酞酸盐仍旧存在于从手机到浴帘到玩具的任何东西中,在食物包装中无处不在。
- But the phthalates that make plastic flexible are still found in anything from cellophane to shower curtains to toys , and they are omnipresent in food packaging .
- 我盯着看他的身份牌。
- I stare at his id badge .
- 身份识别系统已经在其他地方证明了自己的价值。
- Id systems have proved their worth elsewhere .
- 那奇从不带着身份证照料公牛。
- Nachee never carried id working bulls .