- 作为避难者之一,yamaguchi先生住在某个高中的体育馆内一张9尺见方的草席上,和他一起的还有其他1000名避难者。
- Which would be unsurprising , were mr. yamaguchi not an evacuee himself , living on a 9-by-9-foot grass mat in a junior high school gymnasium here with 1000 other people .
- 作为避难者之一,yamaguchi先生住在某个高中的体育馆内一张9尺见方的草席上,和他一起的还有其他1000名避难者。
- Which would be unsurprising , were mr. yamaguchi not an evacuee himself , living on a 9-by-9-foot grass mat in a junior high school gymnasium here with 1000 other people .