- 司法部及20个州起诉微软,控告这家无处不在的视窗操作系统的制造商滥用市场势力去阻挠来自网景及其他公司的竞争。
- Justice department and 20 states sue microsoft , accusing the maker of the ubiquitous windows operating system of abusing its market power to thwart competition from netscape and others .
- 但在世界重心逐渐偏离大西洋的时代,欧洲比以往任何时候都更加需要实现其竞争优势和市场力量的最大化。
- But in a world tilting away from its atlantic centre of gravity , europe needs more than ever to maximise its competitive strength and market power .
- 电影是一种具有整体性的视听文化符号,对电影符号独有的要素进行分析旨在展示电影符号品牌的市场拓展力。
- Movies have always been a visual and audial cultural symbol , and the analyses of factors of movies aim to reveal the market power of movies as a brand .