- 根据测试的结果和资金方面的许可,美国华盛顿州运输局将考虑投资到另外一些测试地区进行路面或状况的测试。
- Depending on the results of the tests and available funding , wsdot will consider investing in additional test areas on other roadway surfaces or situations .
- 一方面,思域受欢迎程度不断下降证明了日本对于汽车空间的在意程度,尤其是在道路狭窄和车库几乎贴身的情况下。
- In one respect , the civic 's declining popularity is a testament to how much space is coveted in japan , especially on its narrow roadway and snug garages .
- 该应用内嵌的图像算法能探测出,摄像头所拍摄到的车辆的具体行驶方向以及实时行驶状况,然后再综合手机的倾斜程度以及光线变化状况形成实时的路面交通状况准确图像。
- Using vision algorithms built into the app , the system determines which way cars on the roadway are facing and whether or not they are moving , taking into account the tilt of the phone and varying light conditions to establish an accurate picture of the roadway .
- 黑斯廷斯美术馆与近来的其他投资项目明显不同。
- The hastings gallery differs from other recent ventures .
- 国家美术馆里有两个对比鲜明的例子。
- Here are two contrasting examples from the national gallery .
- 她第一次在他美术馆的作品展很受欢迎。
- Her first individual show at his gallery was well received .
- 设置非比寻常的双向隧道。
- An unusual configuration of the 2-way tunnel .
- 而财政部大楼与白宫之间有一条地下隧道相连。
- The treasury building is connected to the white house by an underground tunnel .
- 这条铁路隧道一旦开通,其他可能将会应有尽有。
- When the tunnel opens , the possibilities will be endless .
- 道森先生从一个侧面的门走进法庭。
- Mr. dawson walked into the court from a lateral door .
- 侧面的阶梯和交替升高的组合
- Lateral steps and alternate elevated combined
- 极少有合伙人是从外部聘用的,尽管这些所谓的“侧面”雇员通常可以获得较快晋升。
- Few are hired from outside at partner level , although these so-called " lateral " hires can hope for fast-track promotion .
- 他小心的开到那条长长的小路上去。
- He drove up the long laneway with care .
- 不稳固岩层中的巷道掘进与支护实践。
- Practices of laneway driving and supporting in unstable terrane .
- 据凯恩斯邮报报道,在位于澳洲北部凯恩斯市的23岁男子,闯入多处蓝威成人用品商店(lanewayadultshop)并同名为“密林简”的充气娃娃发生关系。
- The 23-year-old allegedly broke into the laneway adult shop in the northen australian city of cairns on several occasions , having sex with a doll named " jungle jane , " the cairns post reported .