- 开普勒在观察tres-2b和它的恒星时,只发现了很轻微的光线明暗变化,不过足以确定一颗跟木星体积相当的巨大气体球就是原因所在。
- Watching tres-2b and its star , kepler detected only the slightest such dimming and brightening , though enough to ascertain that a jupiter-size gas giant was the cause .
- 不管大小,所有的恒星都被认为是以同样的方式诞生的:引力使得由气体和尘埃构成的半透明状巨大云团发生收缩,最终点燃了恒星的核熔炉。
- Regardless of size , all stars are thought to emerge in the same basic way : gravity contracts a giant , diaphanous cloud of gas and dust and eventually ignites a star 's nuclear furnace .
- 发现这颗行星同样一组天文学家早些时候也发现另一颗行星,该行星同海王星类似,是一颗巨大的气体行星,围绕恒星运转的周期为5.4天。
- The same team of astronomers who discovered it had earlier found another planet , this time a gaseous giant similar to neptune , orbiting the same star every 5.4 days .
- 但城市是怎样影响超级明星职业生涯的弧度的呢?
- But how do cities affect the arc of superstar careers ?
- 它一直延伸到队伍之外去雇佣一个超级明星做首席执行官。
- It keeps reaching outside its ranks to hire a superstar as ceo .
- 在接拍了另一部电影后,他成了炙手可热的超级明星。
- So he continues to be an actor and finally became the superstar after another film .
- 本周巴尔干失去了两位巨人。
- Two giants of the balkans died this week .
- 谁说欧洲无法产生互联网巨人?
- Who says europe cannot produce internet giants ?
- 微软和谷歌能成为现在的巨人么?
- Would microsoft corp. and google inc. have become giants ?