- 两个孩子都不聪明。
- Both children are not clever .
- 然而有三点理由也许会证明选择古普塔先生是比较聪明的。
- But dr gupta may yet prove a clever choice , for three reasons .
- 战术上来说,还魂罗斯福那一套是挺聪明的一招。
- From a tactical perspective summoning the ghost of roosevelt is a clever move .
- 其它板块的声音用来一种很巧妙的方式。
- Others block sounds in ingenious ways .
- 这个精巧的鸟窝,其实是一个打印的盖子扣在咖啡罐上。
- This ingenious birdhouse attaches a printed front end to a coffee can .
- windows8的“metro”界面背后的概念的新奇和精巧令人耳目一新。
- The concept behind windows 8 's " metro " interface is refreshingly novel and ingenious .
- 熟练的雇员对任何公司的成功都极为重要。
- Skilful employees are vital to the success of any company .
- 学员容易受熟练培训者的影响。
- Trainees are easily influenced by skilful trainers .
- 然而,克制、有技巧地处理这些问题,可能会有助于两国领导人加快建立互信。
- But restrained , skilful management of these issues can help accelerate the process of confidence-building between leaders .
- 推特英国的经理tonywang希望广播电视经营者能开始更巧妙的利用微博提供的服务,而不仅仅是实时播出那些微博标签和帐号标签(accounthandles)。
- Twitter 's uk general manager tony wang expects broadcasters to start using the microblogging service in more " artful " ways beyond showing hashtags and account handles on-air .
- 尽管藏品一如既往,但现在巧妙的陈设使它们显得更井井有条。
- Although the collection remains the same as it was then , the current artful arrangement makes them look far less cluttered .
- 然而,老布什运用巧妙的外交手段实现了德国的统一,不费一枪一卒便结束了冷战,并在海湾战争中仅寻求实现有限的目标,即解放科威特,而不是进军巴格达。
- Yet bush sr had used artful diplomacy to achieve german unification , ended the cold war without a shot fired in anger , and pursued only limited objectives in his own gulf war , namely the liberation of kuwait rather than a march on baghdad .