- 黄石河已经增加了十倍流量。
- The yellowstone river has increased its flow tenfold .
- 世界上最长的河是哪条?
- What 's the longest river in the world ?
- 市民们用先进的鱼叉在河中捕鱼。
- Townspeople fish the river with singing harpoons .
- 说的更大些,通过流动的溪水,韩国人就能实现梦想了。
- So , to a large extent , has the korea through which the stream flows .
- 近些年来,他们已经看到伊拉克难民涌入他们的国家以避开宗教冲突。
- In recent years they have watched iraqi refugees stream into their country to escape sectarian strife .
- 一道清澈的溪流在周围沙沙地流转。
- A clear stream swishes its way around .