- 而数百万年来,山崩形成的大坝与堰塞湖也一直在改变着四川等多山地震区的地形。
- And the landscape of mountainous earthquake zones such as sichuan has been reshaped naturally by landslide dams and lakes over millions of years .
- 但在这里我们更想要认为山崩仅是地球在给我们一个激烈的拥抱大概是在感谢我们如此善待她。
- At weirdworm we like to think that a landslide is just the earth trying to hug us really aggressively probably to thank us for treating it so well .
- fidesz在民调中保持领先,但自2010年以来,其支持已经出现大滑坡。
- Fidesz retains a lead in the polls , but its support has drained away since its landslide in 2010 .
- 六年前的今天,2005年8月29日,飓风卡特里娜以三级风暴登陆墨西哥湾沿岸。
- Six years ago today , on aug. 29 , 2005 , hurricane katrina made landfall as category 3 storm on the gulf coast .
- 天气模拟预测,该风暴星期六将在位于香港以东的汕头市附近登陆。
- Weather models predict the storm will make landfall saturday near shantou city , east of hong kong .
- 登陆的水手们开始互相抢夺食物。
- On making landfall the sailors began to fight each other over food .
- 这些“树木”的真实面孔是火星春天冰层融化时造成山崩、从而产生的碎片痕迹。
- The " trees " are really trails of debris caused by landslides as ice melts in mars 's spring .
- 污染、淤泥以及滑坡等肆虐着水库地区。
- Pollution , silt and landslides have plagued the reservoir area .
- 它就象刮风、下雨、闪电、山崩、火山爆发一样,是地球上经常发生的一种自然现象。
- It just as windy , rain , lightning , landslides , volcanic eruptions , often occur on earth is a natural phenomenon .
- 环球电视台g1网站报道,截至目前,位于主要灾区南部的巴伊亚州又有三人因泥石流遇难,但巴西政府还未立即证实这几例死亡。
- Globo tv 's g1 website reported that three more people died in a mudslide in bahia state , south of the main zone of devastation , but authorities did not immediately confirm the deaths .
- 幸存者说这场台风给高雄县的小林村带来了巨大的灾难,周日一场大面积的泥石流将其掩埋,今天已发现200名当地居民生还。
- Survivors spoke of the devastation wrought by the storm in hsiao-lin village , in kaohsiung county , which was buried under a massive mudslide on sunday , after 200 inhabitants were found alive today .
- 国家消防总局发言人梁玉初披露,45人在泥石流中被救起,至今没有发现有人死亡。
- A spokesman for the national fire administration , liang yu-chu , said that 45 people had been pulled alive from the mudslide , but that no dead had been found .