- 而随着一叠叠高调的引渡案件的截止日期很快到来,这一点会得到改变。
- That may change , as deadlines come fast and thick in high-profile extradition cases .
- 内置8Ω2w扬声器,立体声功效,低音厚重,中音饱满,高音清晰,同时备有立体声耳机输出插孔。
- 8 Built-in omega 2w loudspeakers , stereophony effect , bass are thick and heavy , alto voice is full , high-pitched voice is limpid , have the stereophone output jack prepared at the same time .
- 另外,使用这么多的铝来加厚线圈为了提高效率和确保空调里的通道可以足够的厚来承受高压制冷剂的通过这样的空调可能不会那么轻。
- Additionally , so much more aluminum would have to be used-to thicken the coils in order to improve efficiency and ensure that passageways in the unit were thick enough to withstand the high-pressure refrigerant moving through them-that units might not be that much lighter .