- 一个曾经被永远驱逐的邪恶怪兽带着复仇的怨念回来了.
- An evil gargoyle , once thought dead and banished forever , has returned with a vengeance .
- 对弥赛亚(saoshyant)的出现将伴随着死者复活和世界的总体判断,这此后将由邪恶和伤害免费。
- The advent of the messiah ( saoshyant ) will be accompanied by the resurrection of the dead and the general judgment of the world , which thenceforth will be free from evil and free from harm .
- 各种僵尸题材的电子游戏,包括《生化危机(residentevil)》和《生死四人组(left4dead)》的专营权,也已呈激增趋势,吸引着全球一大批追随者。
- Zombie video games , including the resident evil and left 4 dead franchises , have also proliferated , attracting huge followings globally .