- 除了制作中药之外,犀角在一些中东国家也用来制作成装饰性的匕首手柄。
- Along with chinese medicine , the horns are used for ornamental dagger handles in some middle eastern countries .
- 她从斗篷里抽出一把锋利的匕首朝右甩出去,让它钉进了右边的墙里。
- She brought out a sharp dagger from her cloak , and threw it.the dagger embedded in the wall to her right .
- 当他们预计会在数学中获得a的时候,那个b就像一把匕首插进了他们的心脏。
- That b in maths , when they expected an a * , is like a dagger through the heart .
- 经销商12月份将拿到聆风的车窗贴纸标签,上面还将宣称这款汽车一次充电平均可以行驶73英里。
- The window sticker for the leaf , due to arrive at dealerships in december , also will say the car can go 73 miles on average before it requires a charge .
- 而且,售货员向顾客保证,这些手机上贴的工信部(miit)用于验证的蓝色标签是真的。
- Moreover , the blue sticker indicating certification by the ministry of industry and information technology these phones carry is genuine , the sales staff assure customers .
- 当几分钟后放映录像带的时候,大多数超过三岁的孩子都会把手伸到头发上移动标签,这就证明了他们理解录像中的自己跟现在的自己是相同的。
- When shown the videotape a few minutes later , most children over the age of three reached up to their own hair to remove the sticker , demonstrating that they understood the self in the video was the same as the one in the present moment .