- 那么这个提示就是给你的。
- Well then this tip is for you .
- 记住每次至少要给女士2镑的小费,而且要有礼貌。
- Always tip the maid at least 2 . And always always be polite .
- 两人就餐约需150人民币(不含酒水和小费)。
- A meal for two , without drinks or tip , is about 150 renminbi .
- 我无力反驳这一点。
- I can 't argue the point .
- 但是英特尔漏掉一点。
- But intel had a point .
- 最后一点非常重要。
- The last point is crucial .
- 据费贡说,顶级家政管家年薪可达30万美元。
- Top household managers can earn up to $ 300,000 a year , says feigon .
- 位于该酒店顶层的是世界最高酒吧Ozone。
- Perched at the top level of the ritz is ozone , the world 's highest bar .
- 销量最高的市场分别为巴西、阿根廷、墨西哥和中东地区。
- Brazil , argentina , mexico , and the middle east are the top markets .
- 不过,戴蒙在今年的信中提出的最尖锐的批评针对的则是瑞士巴塞尔的银行监管委员会正在酝酿的新资本规则。
- But mr. dimon reserved his most pointed criticism in this year 's letter for new capital rules under development by regulators in basel , switzerland .
- 这回,这名31岁的护士她相貌清秀,但与明星脸还是相差甚远希望拥有双眼皮和更尖俏的下巴。
- This time the 31 - year-old nurse clean-cut yet hardly a wanna-be movie star wants a double eyelid and more pointed chin .
- 但是,如果民众想要他们的孩子3米高,有蓝色的肌肤,尖耳朵甚至尾巴怎么办?
- But what if people want their children to be three metres tall and have blue skin , pointed ears and maybe even a tail ?
- 那刺耳的门铃声仍然在我的耳中回响。
- The shrill of doorbell still returning to my ears .
- 但是,双方都必须设法给紧张局势降温,而不应被刺耳的民族主义者所绑架。
- But both must find ways of cooling tensions and sidelining the shrill elements of nationalism .
- 这个词组是在2008年俄格战争之后,由俄罗斯总统德米特里梅德韦杰夫杜撰的,那时俄国的花言巧语真是到达了刺耳的水平。
- The phrase was coined by dmitry medvedev , russia 's president , in the aftermath of the 2008 war with georgia , when russian rhetoric reached shrill levels .
- 它所面临的供应问题就更为严重。
- It suffers from even more acute supply problems .
- 您患的是急性结膜炎。
- You have got acute conjunctivitis .
- 急性支气管炎通常是由病毒感染引起。
- Acute bronchitis is usually caused by viral infections .
- 然而,现在钢笔成为一种个人主义奢侈品,就像定制服装需要与身体磨合一样,钢笔的笔尖和使用者的握笔方式和力度也需要磨事,这鼓励了顾客进行多次购买。
- However , it is its image as an individualistic luxury object one that , like a bespoke suit , needs to be broken in , and whose nib over time moulds to the grip and pressure of the individual who writes with it that is now encouraging some customers to make multiple purchases .
- 香草艺术笔尖浸冷水计数器。
- Herb dip chiller counter art nib .
- 单击:用笔尖轻轻触碰画面相同的位置一次。
- Click : lightly touch the same position on the screen with the nib once .
- 一位民主党官员表示,虽然讨价还价交易的风口浪尖上,人们可以凝胶迅速。
- A democratic official said that while bargainers were not on the cusp of a deal , one could gel quickly .
- 2011年,费城似乎成为最伟大的城市在体育的风口浪尖上。
- For much of 2011 , philadelphia seemed on the cusp of becoming the greatest city in sports .
- 对目前的趋势加以直接预测会使我们想到国家的失败。
- A straight-line projection of present trends takes us to the cusp of national failure .