- 蛇形蜷曲的机翼设计用来面对空中的较小风力去产生一个较小的升力。
- The serpentine aerofoil shape is designed to face into what little wind there is , generating a small amount of lift .
- 在多数网站上,解答问题的用户通常花很短的时间回答问题。
- On most sites , question answers are only spending a small amount of time answering questions .
- millerargent现在正申请通过公路而不是铁路运输相对少量的媒,虽然一些居民反对因为不想看到路上有更多的卡车。
- Miller argent is now applying for permission to move a relatively small amount of coal by road rather than rail , though some residents have objected because they don 't want more lorries on the road .
- 并写下你对这些事情的想法。
- Jot down your thoughts about these events .
- 他们不要求学生粗略记下初步的想法或提交粗略的草稿用以编辑和评论。
- They do not ask students to jot down preliminary ideas or submit rough drafts for editing and critique .
- 现在就拿出一分钟时间,写下你生活中那些大石块。
- Take a minute right now to jot down what you consider the big rocks in your life .