- 但是他们采取的是错误路线。
- But they are taking the wrong path .
- 附近有一条小路与纪念弗拉基米尔伊里奇列宁的纪念碑相通。
- There was a path nearby with a monument to vladimir ilyich lenin .
- 走你自己独一无二的路。
- Follow your own unique path .
- 这正是rahmemanuel对布鲁明戴尔小径和公园的展望。
- That 's what rahm emanuel is envisioning for the bloomingdale trail and park .
- 有好几里的距离小径从美丽的树林里穿过,一切都很顺利。
- For many miles the trail wound uphill through pleasant woods , and all went well .
- 沿着科尔克里克小径,通过高山草甸,他们俯瞰着由冰川淤泥所照亮的河流。
- They follow little coal creek trail through alpine meadows overlooking a river bright with glacial silt .
- 执行部门的分支机构也需要改变。
- The executive branch also needs to change .
- 有一次我去一个跟丹佛似的分行。
- I was out visiting a branch in the equivalent of denver .
- 这一领域的一个分支是量子计算机。
- One branch of the field is quantum computing .
- 进入这座位于印度东南部城市陈奈市的研究实验室,要通过一条被蓝色灯光照亮的半圆形走廊。
- The entrance to the research laboratory in the southern city of chennai is through a semi-circular passageway , lit with blue lights .
- 他们溜出厨房,穿过窄窄的过道,来到一段高低不平的楼梯前。
- They slipped out of the kitchen and down a narrow passageway to an uneven staircase , which wound its way , zigzagging up through the house .
- 警方说快速通道迅速成为了瓶颈,并把这一场景形容为试图穿过“针眼”。
- Police said the passageway quickly turned into a bottleneck , describing it as being like trying to get through " the eye of a needle " .