- 你应该记录下你在一整天之内吃的没一顿饭或者小吃。
- You should write down every meal and snack you eat throughout the day .
- 就像一顿健康的快餐可以阻挡饥饿一样,这种快餐式的锻炼也能保持人体很高的能量。
- Just as you might have a healthy snack to stop yourself getting hungry , exercise snacks can keep energy levels high .
- 如若不加小心,在他翻身下马的那一刻,最可能被雌螳螂变成一顿美味的快餐。
- This is when the female is most likely to turn him into a well-earned snack if he 's not careful .
- 3月7日,国际劳动妇女节前夕,安曼的侯赛因巴勒斯坦人难民营里,一位逃避叙利亚战乱的妇女将茶点用具端到她的临时住所。
- A refugee who fled the violence in syria carries refreshments at her temporary home ahead of international women 's day at the al hussein palestinian refugees camp in amman on march 7 .
- 裁判员凯文莱特掌控比赛节奏非常好并且与警察和电视工作人员保持联络,仍然确保了有15分钟一半的时间使观众得到了点心。
- Referee kevin wright handled the situation superbly and liaised with police and the tv crew and still ensured there was a 15-minute half time to allow spectators to get their refreshments .
- 它们要求航空公司根据旅客的滞留时间,为他们提供餐食、点心与通讯手段,如有必要,还须提供住宿。
- Depending on the length of the hold-up , they require the carrier to provide meals and refreshments , communications and , if necessary , overnight accommodation .