- 我真是一个幸运的人。
- I 'm really a lucky guy .
- 也许这个人只是忘了钥匙。
- Maybe the guy just forgot his keys .
- 这些人没在水上走过。
- The guy doesn 't walk on water .
- 女人都喜欢坏男孩。
- Women love the bad boy .
- 小男孩只是笑了笑,继续往前走。
- The boy just laughs and keeps walking .
- 家里每个人都被小男孩搞得很累。
- Everyone in house tired from the boy .
- 两个年青人在随后的抗议活动中中枪身亡。
- Two young men were shot dead in the protests that followed .
- 可是,这些年幼的孩子表现的是怎样的真实的自我呢?
- But what true self are these very young children expressing ?
- 特别年幼的儿童也能感觉出一个曲调或和声是否正确。
- Very young children can tell if a tune or harmony is not quite right .