- 你的生命箴言是?
- What is your life motto ?
- 人死后还有生命吗?
- Is there life after death ?
- 你买了人寿保险吗?
- Do you have life insurance ?
- 长寿是对针叶林而言。
- Longevity is for redwood trees .
- 长寿不受自我报告的歪曲。
- Longevity is not distorted by self-report .
- 投资者是否该质疑德国避风港地位的寿命?
- Should investors question the longevity of germany 's haven status ?
- 我过了个开心的生日!
- I am having a happy birthday !
- 一定要来参加我的生日宴会。
- Do come to my birthday party .
- 你生日是几月几日?
- What day is your birthday ?
- 财福寿何解死无葬身之地?
- Choi fook sau what makes us lacking in land of burial ?
- 我还是那儿的啦啦队教练。
- I also coach a cheerleadi team there at sau .
- 社会福利署秀宝综合家庭服务中心。
- Sau po integrated family service centre , social welfare department .