- 这种方法需要整体或者脊髓麻醉,并且在手术后导尿管还需保存7天。
- General or spinal anesthesia is used , and a catheter remains for up to seven days after the surgery .
- 我躺在检测桌上,阿嘎沃尔医生的搭档加布里埃尔加尔佐医生用一根导尿管把胚囊导入了我的子宫内。
- Once I 'm on the exam table , dr. agarwal 's partner , dr. gabriel garzo , uses a catheter to snake the blastocyst inside my uterus .
- 在所有这些方法中,不论侵入性高低与否,医生都会要求病人在手术后带上导尿管长达3到4天,并且带有大小便失禁以及阳痿等并发症风险。
- All of these procedures , whether less invasive or not , often require patients to wear a catheter for three to four days after surgery , and carry some risk of urinary incontinence and impotence .
- 关键在于三米的深度、泳池边上一个能够消除水波的重叠式管道系统以及两个环流系统(一个位于池底,一个靠近水面)。
- The key , he said , was a depth of three meters , an overlapping duct system at the pool 's edges that all but eliminates waves , and two circulation systems , one at the bottom of the pool and one near the surface .
- 他巡回演说,发行专辑,t恤、棒球帽,奇怪的是,连管道带上都有他的标志。
- He tours and releases cds . His logo appears on t-shirts , baseball caps and , oddly , duct tape .
- 该项研究,重点针对认为是发生于乳腺导管的最常见类型的乳腺癌。
- The study focused on the most common types of breast cancer that are thought to arise in the milk duct .
- 越来越多的富人在伦敦安家,并将这里当作管理家族金融事务的管道。
- Wealthy individuals are increasingly making london their home and the conduit for managing family finances .
- 俄罗斯的输油管道是哈萨克石油通往世界市场的主要途径,即便哈萨克斯坦正试图实现出口渠道的多样化。
- Russia 's pipelines are the chief conduit for kazakh oil to world markets even as the country tries to diversify export routes .
- 这种基础梁由矩形f.r.p.管构成,矩形框架内是拱形管道。
- The basic beam consists of a rectangular f.r.p. tube with an arch-shaped conduit formed inside it .
- 因此你能为更高的自我创建一个纯粹的容器。
- You create a pure vessel for the higher self to fill .
- 容器内的压强足以消灭细菌、病毒和霉菌。
- The vessel 's pressure conditions kill bacteria , viruses and molds .
- 它们并未和那些在用燃料棒一样使用同样的保存容器。
- They are not contained in the same kind of vessel as active fuel rods .
- 一名来自东华大学的参赛者创作了这件独特的产品:索尼指挥棒电视遥控器。
- One of the participants from dong hwa university came up with this unique creation called the sony conductor tv remote .
- 顶级的高级指挥家每周的收入可以达到5万美元。
- A top senior conductor can make $ 50000 a week .
- 作为一名成功的指挥家,他很少有时间进行创作,大部分的作曲工作都是利用夏季在一个奥地利湖畔边休假时完成的。
- As a successful conductor he had little time to compose , fitting most of it in during long summer breaks spent by an austrian lake .
- 细颗粒物----小于2.5微米的颗粒----能躲过鼻子和气管中绒毛的保护作用。
- Fine particulate matter - particles smaller than 2.5 micrometers - can evade hairlike projections in the nose and trachea that trap larger particles .
- 支气管一直从气管延伸到肺部深处的微小肺泡处,其表面的气道细胞是最先接触到烟雾的细胞,无论这些烟雾是来自于直接吸烟还是被动吸烟。
- Airway cells that line the bronchus , from the trachea all the way to the tiny alveoli deep in the lungs , are the first cells that confront cigarette smoke , whether it is inhaled directly from a cigarette or secondhand from the environment .
- 床左侧的墙壁上,满是一簇簇密集的小血滴下流形成的血痕,这是动脉和气管血液喷出的典型状态。
- On the wall to the left of the bed were dense clusters of small circulardrops flowing downward , characteristic of arterial spray as well as exhalation of blood from the trachea .