- 游客们无需离开这座占地48公顷的公园,就可从艾菲尔铁塔漫步到埃及金字塔,从罗马斗兽场漫步到泰姬陵,从巨石阵漫步到富士山,从吴哥窟漫步到克里姆林宫,并逛遍其它许多景观。
- Visitors can stroll from the eiffel tower to the pyramids , the coliseum to the taj mahal , stonehenge to mount fuji , angkor wat to the kremlin and scores of other attractions all without leaving an area of 48 hectares .
- 日本国家旅游局预计宝健取消旅游计划将会对日本造成几十亿日圆的收入损失,因为他们原本计划游玩京都、富士山、琵琶湖等景点。
- The japan tourist organization estimates lost revenue from that cancellation at several hundred million yen , as the groups had been scheduled to visit locations such as kyoto , mount fuji and lake biwa .
- 面对这幅画,大多数西方人关注的都是浪花本身,巨大的浪花高高地盖过富士山脉,显示出近乎无法抵挡的威力,再想想三艘岌岌可危的小船还摇曳在巨浪下,那就更加令人心惊胆战了。
- Most westerners , when viewing it , focus on the wave itself , which towers over mount fuji in a show of almost implacable force , all the more terrifying considering the three fragile boats under it .