- 各种发粉如果让其吸潮就会迅速变坏,所以都应保存在密封的瓶子或铁罐中。
- All powders should be kept in airtight jars or tins as they quickly deteriorate if allowed to become damp .
- 储蓄就像氧气,而银行不再是密封罐了。
- Deposits may be like oxygen . But china 's banking system is no longer airtight .
- 运输泔水应当使用密闭的专用车辆,不得沿途泄漏、遗洒。
- Special airtight vehicles shall be used for the transportation of swills which may not be leaked out or splattered on the way of transportation .
- 法国对黎巴嫩的亲密本就根深蒂固。
- France 's closeness to lebanon runs deep .
- 尤其对于女性而言,情感上的亲密是产生性需求的重要组成部分。
- For women in particular , emotional closeness is a major ingredient in sexual desire .
- 无能甚至有助于解释委内瑞拉与古巴的亲密关系。
- Incompetence even helps explain the closeness of venezuelan ties with cuba .
- 海豹突击队第6分队自己做到的。
- Seal team 6 got them on their own .
- 第一个海豹队员推开门。
- The first seal pushed it open .
- 他们注射将化学品放土壤里并且用塑料膜板将密封烟雾进入土壤。
- They inject chemicals into the soil and seal the fumes into the soil with sheets of plastic .