- 附近的一个清真寺带来了一些救济。
- A nearby mosque is bringing some relief .
- 奥巴马在执政四年当中并没能提供救济。
- Mr obama has been unable to provide relief in four years .
- 但消息释放经济衰退缓解而受市场的欢迎。
- But the news has been greeted with something approaching relief .
- 但是按理最重要的改革应该是公共领域的豁免。
- But arguably the most important reform would be a public domain exemption .
- 所有州包括密西西比州和西弗吉尼亚州在内允许因宗教原因免除疫苗,20个州有更模糊的冷静免除规定。
- All states save mississippi and west virginia allow a religious exemption for vaccinations , and 20 states also allow a more vague philosophical exemption .
- 他将通过提供一个高额的税前免除额,降低最高地产税率,以加强对储蓄的激励。
- And he will strengthen the incentive to save by reducing the maximum estate tax rate , with a substantial , untaxed exemption .