- 星期五晚上我们要聚餐。
- We are having a potluck friday night .
- 每两个月,协会成员们要相互见面,吃顿便饭,这是一个交往以及解决一些问题的时机。
- One co-op meets every two months for a potluck , an occasion to socialize as well as deal with any concerns .
- 你为何不办个各自带菜的聚餐派对?只需要打几通电话就好了。
- Why don 't you have a potluck ? It just takes a few phone calls .
- 成你的日常的一部份。
- These should be part of your routine .
- 正打算开始更富有强度的日常锻炼吗?
- Starting a more intense workout routine ?
- 你欣赏常规流程的价值吗?
- Do you appreciate the value of routine ?