- 第88条船舶因不可抗力不能继续航行时,运送人或船长应设法将旅客运送至目的港。
- Article 88 where the ship is unable to continue the voyage due to force majeure , the carrier or shipmaster shall still endeavour to carry the passenger to the port of destination .
- 第91条旅客于船舶抵达目的港后,应依船长之指示即行离船。
- Article 91 the passenger , while the ship arrives the port of destination , is obliged to obey the directions of the shipmaster for leaving the ship .
- 海事部门建议,由于未来三天内海峡航运仍将受到强风天气影响,旅客应尽量选择空中交通出入琼岛,避免因船只紧张、过海时间较长而影响了行程。
- Maritime branch suggests , because did not come 3 days , thalassic gorge shipping will still be affected by blast weather , the passenger should choose island of discrepancy of the traffic in sky fining jade as far as possible , because ship insecurity , time crossing the sea is longer , avoid and affected the route .
- 对现实的判断仍处于“偏执-分裂”状态因为人们否认自己有责任。
- The sense of reality is still ps because responsibility is disowned .
- 附言为了避免您心存疑惑,我需要指出:与过去几篇专栏文章一样,本篇专栏文章也是在我的戴尔dimensione520台式电脑上完成的。
- Ps in case you were wondering , this week 's column , like the last few , has been written on my now fully functioning dell dimension e520 desktop computer .
- 极移之后会发生变化吗?所有的种族都可以相互交往了?
- Will this change this after the ps so that both species will interact ?