- 你也可以通过设置样式来定制这些元素的外观。
- You can customize the look of elements by applying styles to them .
- 他/她能帮你定做糖尿病食谱计划,满足怀孕前期间的需要。
- He or she can help you customize your diabetes meal plan to meet your pre-pregnancy needs .
- 你甚至还可以定制推(tweet)开头的内容。
- You can even customize how the beginning of the tweet should read .
- 另一习俗就是一起看足球赛。
- Another custom is watching football together .
- 律师们不为别的,只为利用提供服务争取客户。
- The lawyers make nothing , but use the service to drum up custom .
- 业务的进步在于他们能将用于客户化开发的钱花在刀刃上。
- Businesses are likely to catch on simply because their custom development dollars can go much further .