

customize 变化形式
第三人称单数: customizes
过去式: customized
过去分词: customized
现在分词: customizing


customize 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- You can customize the look of elements by applying styles to them .
- 你也可以通过设置样式来定制这些元素的外观。
- He or she can help you customize your diabetes meal plan to meet your pre-pregnancy needs .
- 他/她能帮你定做糖尿病食谱计划,满足怀孕前期间的需要。
- You can even customize how the beginning of the tweet should read .
- 你甚至还可以定制推(tweet)开头的内容。
- Twitter is enabling people to customize their pages with more photos and more information about themselves .
- twitter可以让人们定制自己的个性化页面,可以带有跟多的照片和更多的个人信息。
- It has a clean and usable interface and has an extensions api to extend and customize your installation .
- 它有一个清爽和可用的接口,并且还有一个扩展的api可以定制你的安装。
- He said the agents available by phone at his company can help facilitate a sale and customize cruises for travelers .
- 他表示,该公司有可以通过电话联系的代理商,加快销售流程以及帮助旅行者定制设计邮轮旅行。
- More interestingly , and much like friendfeed , users can customize their view from their favorite sections and blogs .
- 非常有趣的是,跟friendfeed很相似,用户也可以按照自己喜欢的栏目和博客对内容进行定制。
- The controls let you customize the indexing times and configure a delayed load when outlook starts , among other things .
- 新增添的用户控制可以让用户定制索引的时间,设置outlook启动后此插件延迟载入的时间,以及其他一些功能。
- Now there 's a simple web app that lets you customize the digg rss feed by the minimum number of diggs a story has received .
- 现在有一个简单的web应用,可是让你通过一个故事收到的最少的diggs,来定制digg的rss供稿。
- 10 Excellent tools to customize your windows
- 10个优秀的windows定制工具